Reflexology massage has its irreplaceable position especially in the backache treatment. This is a specialized medical treatment with an effect on pathological reflex changes of movement segments and their removal. Reflexive changes caused by diseases of the internal organs, locomotor system, especially the spine and, also neuro-vegetative disorders are also favourably affected. The basic types of massage are cervical, back and pelvic.
Rexlen massage is suitable:
- alleviation of spinal pain, tissue blood flow, reduction of muscle tension
- affecting the pathology of internal organs, neurovegetative disorders
Reflexology massage not suitable for seriously and acutely ill and pregnant women.
How a rexlex massage works
It is necessary to have a prescription from a Czech doctor for the treatment. The massage is performed either sitting (neck assembly) or lying on the stomach (back, pelvic assembly).
Time of the treatment: 20 minutes
Reflexology massage is a therapeutic treatment sold only on the recommendation of a doctor.