It creeps into your life inconspicuously, you often don't even see the first symptoms, or you don't want to see them. But it can also end in the loss of teeth. We are talking about periodontal disease, an unpleasant and painful gum disease. Genetics are mainly to blame, often hand in hand with insufficient dental hygiene and smoking. One of the ways to effectively fight periodontitis is dental irrigation - massaging the gums with Karlovy Vary spring water. It takes place under pressure and has a healing effect on the mucous membranes of the entire oral cavity. It is used not only in treatment, but also as an effective form of prevention.
Dental irrigation is suitable:
- For the treatment and prevention of periodontal disease.
Before the actual application of dental irrigation, it is necessary to have tartar removed.
How dental irrigation works
After entering the room, you sit down at the sink and are given a towel and paper towels to protect your neck and chest from getting wet. The spa worker will connect the applicator to a stream of hot spring water and explain the course of the treatment to you. The whole time you sit in a slight forward bend over the sink, where the spring water drains. After the procedure, the worker puts the porcelain applicator in the container intended for it.
Duration of the treatment: 15 minutes. Dental irrigation is an over-the-counter medical treatment.